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Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Truth About Organic Whey Protein

The Truth About Organic Whey Protein

Whey protein has been a staple of bodybuilding supplements ever since I can remember. It ' s one of the fastest digesting proteins found in nature. It is also one of the most efficient protein sources in terms of dwelling muscle mass, and I recommend it to any bodybuilder.

But can it get any better?

We ' re seeing many more healthy and organic options appearing across the board for all food choices. I know it ' s a matter of some debate if all these products are better, but I think it ' s safe to rehearse the organic whey proteins appearing on the market can be a held dear supplement.

Does organic whey protein cut down on the filth found in your protein? Also, is it actually worth the price premium? The answer may surprise you.

To start let ' s break down the main unwanted chemicals that most organic dairy products try and eliminate.

Steroid hormones are only capable of being stored in fat, so can only be found in the fatty portion of a whey protein powder. Depending on the combination and preparation method this fatty portion could be between. 001 % to nearly 50 % of the total mass.

Lucky for us the far-flung majority of consumer whey powders fall on the very low limitation of the spectrum of fat content.

Bovine somatotropin ( BST ) is a cow ' s equivalent to Human Growth Hormone. BST and IGF - 1 will always be found in markedly inappreciable quantities in whey - we ' re language millionths of a gram here - plainly seeing whey is a revolting product.

This is where the main benefits of organic whey protein step in.

1. Organic whey need come from organic milk. This cuts out on an entire possible rudiment of external growth hormones ( rBST ) or antibiotics. As a becoming side philanthropy, organically raised milk livestock produce milk that is higher in protein than other cattle.

2. Organic whey usually contains less additives and fillers than non - organic whey powders. Extra sugars and colorants can be found in some whey formulas, but hardly in organic whey ones.

3. Look away from the cow pasture and into the goat field. Growth hormones are not used in goat milk production at all. Any goat whey protein will be sourced with a very clean method, and is often organic.

If you ' re looking for maximum purity or want to be environmentally conscious, organic whey protein is a good choice.

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