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Friday, August 2, 2013

Heart Disease Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Home Remedies For Coronary Heart Disease

Heart Disease Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Home Remedies For Coronary Heart Disease

Heart is a vital organ of our body. It is an organ which regulates our blood circulation and maintains the level of purity of our blood. It carries the deoxygenated blood from the various parts of the body and purifies it and gives it back for circulation to each and every part of the body.
One of the main reasons of heart diseases is petty diet conditions and in error food selection habits. Taking addictive drugs, stress, tension, worries about family or business, supplementary or decreased heart beat, pain in the heart or infection in the heart are some of the other common causes of heart problems. Amiss food habits can be urgent as these can cause number of heart related problems such as hypertension ( high blood pressure ), atherosclerosis, heart attacks, heart enlargement, kidney damage, and even a stroke.
Causes of Heart Disease
1. Elevated blood levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and other fatty substances;
2. Elevated blood pressure;
3. Elevated blood uric acid levels ( mainly caused by high protein diet );
4. Certain metabolic disorders, notably diabetes;
5. Obesity;
6. Smoking; and
7. Lack of de facto exercise.
Home Remedies for Heart Disease
1. Apples have heart - stimulating properties. Patients suffering from a tender heart will benefit exceedingly by forging liberal use of this fruit and earth jam.
2. Onions have been found dear in heart disease. They are useful in normalizing the standard of blood cholesterol by oxidizing excess cholesterol. One teaspoon of raw onion juice first thing in the morning is beneficial in such cases.
3. Honey has got marvelous properties to prevent all sorts of heart disease. It tones up the heart and improves the circulation.
4. It is also effective in cardiac pain and palpitation of the heart. One tablespoon daily after food is powerhouse to prevent all sorts of heart troubles.
5. Asparagus is an tiptop food for strengthening the heart. A good medicine for a weakly or an elongate heart is prepared by mixing the freshly extracted juice of this vegetable with honey, in the ratio of 2: 1. A teaspoon of this medicine should be taken three times daily. Patients with heart disease will also benefit by strong arm moveable feast this vegetable.
6. Fresh fruits in general are beneficial in die treatment of heart disease. They tone up the heart Grapes are especially effective in heart pain and palpitation of the heart, and the disease can be fast controlled if die patient adopts an exclusive diet of grapes for a few days. Grape juice is particularly treasured when one is actually suffering from a heart attack.
7. The herb alfalfa in the form of juice has been found very helpful in most troubles twin to the arteries and heart diseases.
8. Only the leaves of the plant are used for this desire, when they can be obtained additional. The juice of more alfalfa is, however, too husky and vehement to be fascinated by itself. It is best inspirited with carrot juice in spit quantities of 12 / 5 ml each, twice daily. In this combination, the select benefits of each juice are strong.
9. Patients with heart disease should increase their intake of foods fat in vitamin E, as this vitamin is uttered to bolster heart function by improving oxygenation of the cell. It also Improves the circulation and muscle strength. Many whole meal products and green vegetables, particularly outermost leaves of pay, are good sources of vitamin E.
Coronary Heart Disease diet
Diet should be lacto - vegetarian, low on sodium and calories
The fundamental conditioning component in all heart diseases is the diet, which should be lacto - vegetarian, and low on sodium and calories. It should consist of high quality, natural organic foods, with priority on wholegrains, seeds, fresh fruits, and vegetables
Avoid food like white flour products, tea, coffee, tobacco, pungency and sugar
Foods which should be eliminated from the diet encircle white flour products, sweets, chocolates, canned foods in syrup, soft drinks, squashes, tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco, and all solid fats of misshapen origin such as butter, cream and fatty meats. Pungency and sugar should he flat broke substantially.

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